
For the first time: an academic conference on the work of Hanoch Levin was held at the University of Nanterre
This first colloquium on the work of Hanoch Levin took place on November 23, 2023. Most of the participants were French academics who explored varied aspects of Levin’s work. Philippe Zard, of the University of Nanterre, initiated the gathering.
Among the speakers: Translator Laurence Sendrowicz, spoke of dilemmas and solutions in translating Levin’s work. Mulli Meltzer, editor of a comprehensive series of Levin’s writing, discussed aspects of his work with reference to his own book, which will soon be released.
France is a world leader in the production of Levin’s plays (second to Israel). Levin plays are staged in the theatres of Paris and other French cities on an ongoing basis.
To date, seven volumes of Levin's plays have been published in French, including 21 plays of varied genres, among them comedies, tragedies, mythological plays and other works. This extraordinary translation enterprise is led by Laurence Sandrovich and her colleague Jacqueline Carnaud, who was also present at the conference.
Photography: Yaakov Agor's collection, The Israeli Center for the Documentation of the Performing Arts, Tel Aviv University