
The Child Dreams

North Macedonia

Детето сонува

Dramaturgist: Biljana Krajchevska
Translation from English: Snezhana Krajchevska Plushkovska
Director: Itai Doron
Scenography and visual arrangement: Omri Rosenblum
Scenographer advisor: Valentin Svetozarev
Costume designer: Blagoj Micevski
Light designer: Lior Maytal
Light master: Ilija Dimovski, Goran Petrovski
Original music: Tomer Rabinowitz
Sound design: Aleksandar Dimovski
Production manager: Petar Trajchevski
Video operator: Vladimir Perelovski, Filip Oshavkov
Props: Spase Petrushev
Stage manager and cameraman: Dimitar Mihajlovski
Make-up: Sasho Martinovski
Prompter: Zorka Gjakovska
Painter: Goran Spasevski
Translator on the rehearsal: Ana Gramosli
Photographer: Aleksandar Bunevski


Katerina Anevska Drangovska
Ognen Drangovski
Boris Chorevski
Angel Micevski
Marjan Gjorgjievski
Petar Gorko
Sonja Mihajlova
Borche Gjakovski
Sonja Oshavkova
Petar Mirchevski
Nikola Stefanov
Anastazia Hristova
Aleksandar Stefanovski

On Dreams and Childhood

“The magic of sleep: a person is sleeping, it’s a child,
and a sleeping child is the essence of childhood.”

In the current global reality, it is easy to be caught up by the political imagery and moral code that this text opens up. The human flow of the refugee crisis around the world has offered graphic images and moral dilemmas for continents, states and individuals – how should one react to this reality? What is the true motive for reaching out and what is the price for doing so?

All of those questions have driven us to choose this play, at this time for this city.

The deeper you dive into Levin’s words the further you distant yourself from those questions. It is almost easy to forget that this play is about a dream. And about a child who dreams this dream.

Who is this child? And why is he dreaming this dream?

The concrete imagery of Levin text, the cruel reality that has been explored in this journey gets an infinite face through the lenses of a dream.

The self and the outside reality blend together – dream and awakeness merge.

“I have had a dream – past the wit of man to say what dream it was. Man is but an ass if he go about to expound this dream” (Midsummer Night’s Dream: W. Shakespeare).

Itai Doron


A tale of abandonment
„Детето сонува“ нова премиера на битолскиот театар